Things I Found On Google #23
Sizeasy allows you to compare the sizes of various products you find on the web. You can also compare those sizes to everyday objects, such as paper or a credit card. You can drag and drop the order of the items to make it easier to compare them.
Rating: 10 out of 10 stars
It's very interesting what we find in the internet world.
I'm a mom of a 9 yr old son and an 8 yr old daughter. I woke aup at 2:30 am this morning all stressed out because my kid's spring break is over and they are going back to school and my son has Dyslexia and Dyscalculia and does not like school at all.
Anyway, I am a blogger and I have adsense in my blog. Your ad appeared saying that you're a 9 yr old boy blogging... curiosity sparked, I had to check your blog :)
Keep up the good work.
I had a cat in may lap (sh'es qute annoying me right now) when I entered publish my comment. I didn't know if if it went through sigh). Anyway, I just want to tell you this is a good blog, keep up the good work.
Liza from Liza's Eyeview blog
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